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These lists are subject to change until 4:30pm. Any alterations after this time will be telephoned or emailed direct to the parties or their legal representatives.

1. Admiralty Court list (King’s Bench Division)

1.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

The hearing will be available to representatives of the media upon request. It will be organised and conducted using MS Teams (unless otherwise stated). Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to witness the hearing will need to do so over the internet and provide an email address at which to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact comct.listing@justice.gov.uk.

1.2 Remote hearings before the Admiralty Registrar

Remote hearing via MS Teams. For details on accessing the hearing, please contact admiralty.registrar@justice.gov.uk. Any party who attends the hearing in person at the Rolls Building should contact a member of staff in the List Office who will then connect them to the remote hearings.

1.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

1.4 Admiralty Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:27pm

No hearings.

2. Business List (Chancery Division)

2.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

2.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

2.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

2.4 Business List cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 4:59pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Richard Smith10:30amThe Rolls Building, court 3Chancery trialBL-2020-001416WWRT Limited v Tyshchenko and another
Mr Justice Thompsell10amThe Rolls Building, court 5Chancery trial, part heardBL-2022-000781Morjaria and others v Mirza and others
Nicola Rushton KC sitting as a Judge of the Chancery Division10:30amThe Rolls Building, court 13Chancery trialBL-2023-00042612345 Retail Group Limited v Bubble City Ltd and others
Master Kaye10:30amThe Rolls Buildings, court 4CMCBL-2021-000365İşbilen v Turk and others
Master Kaye10:30amThe Rolls Buildings, court 4CMCBL-2023-001171İşbilen v Hanson Asset Management Limited
Master Pester11amRemotely via MS TeamsApplication hearingBL-2024-001657Regal Avenue Road Limited v Gherscovic

3. Chancery Appeals (Chancery Division)

3.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

3.2 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

3.3 Chancery Appeals cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:46pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Fancourt10:30amThe Rolls Building, court 6Application to renew hearingCH-2024-000139Lowther v Eden and another

4. Commercial Court (King’s Bench Division)

4.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

The hearing will be available to representatives of the media upon request. It will be organised and conducted using MS Teams (unless otherwise stated). Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to witness the hearing will need to do so over the internet and provide an email address at which to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact comct.listing@justice.gov.uk.

4.2 Remote hearings before the Admiralty Registrar

Remote hearing via MS Teams. For details on accessing the hearing, please contact admiralty.registrar@justice.gov.uk. Any party who attends the hearing in person at the Rolls Building should contact a member of staff in the List Office who will then connect them to the remote hearings.

4.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

4.4 Commercial Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:28pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Butcher10:30am (all day)Court 15Part heard trialCL-2022-000294, CL-2022-000557, CL-2022-000611 ,CL-2022-000662 , CL-2022-000697AERCAP Ireland Limited v. AIG Europe S.A. and another
Mr Justice Henshaw10:30amCourt 19Consequentials and further argumentsCL-2015-000047Arcadia Energy (Suisse) SA and others v. Attock Oil International Limited and others
Mrs Justice Dias9:30amRemotely via MS TeamsConsequentials and further argumentsCL-2022-000393Abudantia B.V. v. Fastron Limited and another
His Honour Judge Mark Pelling KC sitting as a Judge of the High Court10:30am (all day)Court 8TrialCL-2017-000458, CL-2018-000030Palmali Shipping S.A. v. Litasco SA

5. Competition List (Chancery Division)

5.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

5.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

5.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

5.4 Competition List cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:47pm

No hearings.

6. Companies Winding Up (Chancery Division)

6.1 Company Insolvency Pro Bono Scheme

The Company Insolvency Pro Bono Scheme provides free legal advice and/or representation in court on Wednesdays. If you have a case listed in the winding up court, please come to Consultation Room 17 on the 2nd Floor of the Rolls Building to speak with a barrister on Wednesday morning. You can also email in advance on admin@companyinsolvencyscheme.com.

6.2 Companies Winding Up cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 2:26pm

No hearings.

7. Financial List (Chancery Division/King’s Bench Division/Commercial Court)

7.1 Remote hearings before a Judge of the Chancery Division

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

7.2 Remote hearings before a Judge of the Commercial Court

The hearing will be available to representatives of the media upon request. It will be organised and conducted using MS Teams (unless otherwise stated). Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to witness the hearing will need to do so over the internet and provide an email address at which to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact comct.listing@justice.gov.uk.

7.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

7.4 Financial List cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:28pm

No hearings.

8. Insolvency & Companies Court List (Chancery Division)

8.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

8.2 Remote hearings before an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing, they should contact the ICC judges’ clerks at rolls.icl.hearings1@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

8.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

8.4 Insolvency & Companies Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 2:26pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Marcus Smith10:30amThe Rolls Building, court 1Scheme of arrangementCR-2024-006424Brand Architekts Group plc
Mr Justice Marcus Smith11:30amThe Rolls Building, court 1Scheme of arrangementCR-2024-006026N Brown Group Plc
Chief Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Briggs11:30amRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2019-005816Francas Building Ltd
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Prentis11:30amRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2024-005343Simdata I T Limited
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Prentis11:30amRemotely via MS TeamsBankruptcy applicationBR-2024-000463Panos Yiapanis
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Prentis12:30pmRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2024-001820Samson-Grigorescu Limited
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Prentis2:30pmThe Rolls Building, hearing room 9Validation orderCR-2024-007583Alphonsus Services Limited
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Greenwood10:30amRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2024-005313Rodwell Electrical Ltd
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Greenwood10:30amRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2024-006640Flow Model Management Ltd
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Greenwood12noonRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2023-004460Ayton Limited
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Greenwood12noonRemotely via MS TeamsBankruptcy applicationBR-2023-001001Robert William Welburn
Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Greenwood3pmRemotely via MS TeamsCompanies applicationCR-2024-005368Morgan Training Services Ltd
Deputy Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Cheryl Jones2pmRemotely via MS TeamsBankruptcy applicationBR-2021-000208Thomas Henry Brooker
    BR-2021-000209Louise Brooker
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listCR-2023-006896Mirror Trading International (Pty) Limited
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listCR-2024-006143Re a Company
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listCR-2025-000516Re a Company
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listCR-2025-000564Nvago Limited
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listBR-2023-000828Gillian Elaine Rowe
Dr Baister sitting as an Insolvency and Companies Court Judge in retirement10:30am or as soon thereafterThe Rolls Building, hearing room 7ICC interim listCR-2024-007019Lux Dry Cleaners Balham Ltd

9. Intellectual Property List (Chancery Division)

9.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

9.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

9.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

9.4 Intellectual Property cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:47pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase NumberCase Name
Mr Justice Thompsell10:30amRemotely via emailJudgmentIL-2024-000032Gladness v BBC Headquaters and another

10. Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court

10.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

10.2 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

10.3 Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:49pm

No hearings.

11. Patents Court (Chancery Division)

11.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

11.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

11.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

11.4 Patents Court Guide

The “Patents Court Guide” was reissued on 7 July 2008 and revised on 24 February 2010. Note that links are provided from the guide to various intellectual property sites. If you have any enquiries or useful information you would like displayed please contact Pauline Drewett by email at pauline.drewett@justice.gov.uk.

11.5 Patents Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:50pm

No hearings.

12. Interim Applications List (Chancery Division)

Parties should contact the clerk to the Interim Judge, Mr Justice Richards, Razia.Miah@justice.gov.uk as early as possible.

An application should not be listed before the Interim Applications Judge unless the overall time required to deal with the application is 2 hours or less. The 2 hour maximum includes the judge’s pre-reading time, the hearing of the application, delivery of judgment and time for dealing with costs. If the judge considers that the estimate will exceed the 2 hour limit it may be stood out of the interim applications list.

12.1 Interim Applications cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:50pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Richards10:30amThe Rolls Building, court 10Interim Applications List  

13. London Circuit Commercial Court (King’s Bench Division)

13.1 Remote hearings in the London Circuit Commercial Court

The hearing will be available to representatives of the media upon request. It will be organised and conducted using MS Teams (unless otherwise stated). Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to witness the hearing will need to do so over the internet and provide an email address at which to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact comct.listing@justice.gov.uk.

13.2 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

13.3 London Circuit Commercial Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:29pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
His Honour Judge Keyser KC sitting as a Judge of the High Court2pmRemotely via emailJudgmentLM-2024-000165A v B

14. Pensions List (Chancery Division)

14.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

14.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

14.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

14.4 Pensions List cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:54pm

No hearings.

15. Property, Trusts and Probate (Chancery Division)

15.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

15.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

15.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

15.4 Property, Trusts and Probate cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 5:34pm

JudgeTimeVenueTypeCase numberCase name
Mr Justice Fancourt10amRemotely via emailJudgmentPT-2021-001078Patarkatsishivili and another v Woodward-Fisher
Master Brightwell11amRemotely via MS TeamsCosts CMCPT-2024-000700Maxwell v Brownlow, Earl Of Guilford
Deputy Master Arkush on behalf of Master Pester10amThe Rolls Building, hearing room 4Possessions hearingPT-2025-000127Marks and Spencer PLC v Persons Unkown

16. Revenue List (Chancery Division)

16.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the hearing they should contact the listing office chanceryjudgeslisting@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

16.2 Remote hearings before a Chancery Master

If a representative of the media or member of the public wishes to attend the remote hearing they should contact chancery.mastersappointments@justice.gov.uk who will put them in touch with the relevant person.

16.3 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

16.4 Revenue List cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:55pm

No hearings.

17. Technology and Construction Court (King’s Bench Division)

17.1 Remote hearings before a High Court Judge

The hearing will be available to representatives of the media upon request. It will be organised and conducted using MS Teams (unless otherwise stated). Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to witness the hearing will need to do so over the internet and provide an email address at which to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact tcc.listing@justice.gov.uk.

17.2 Remote judgments

Remote hand-down: This judgment will be handed down remotely by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and release to The National Archives. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down should be available on The National Archives website shortly thereafter. Members of the media can obtain a copy on request by email to the Judicial Office press.enquiries@judiciary.uk

17.3 Technology and Construction Court cause list

List updated: 7 February 2025 1:30pm

No hearings.

18. Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) List (Chancery Division)

See the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) hearing list (Chancery Division).

19. Getting email alerts

Subscribe to receive court list email alerts by email from HMCTS.