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A Hearing but No Sentencing info  

This is for the Admin person in the Forum.

Can you help please?
I checked a case and it went for Hearing on the 8th Feb 2011 but having checked through the Sentences area, cannot find what the sentence was for this case.

The information given for the Hearings was:
For Sentence. Hearing finished for (defendent's name) at (given time).
But there was no other information given.

Can you tell me how soon the Sentences area is updated for the previous days Hearings?
I would prefer to keep the details of this case private, so if you need more info, can you send a request to my Inbox please?

Many thanks,

Total posts: 7



2014-07-08 10:57:22
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A question  
I have a friend whose husband  and step son assaulted a young man that happened to be passing them for no apparent reason.. The assault spilled onto the road and motorists could not pass. They left the man on their lawn, but fearing they would be caught they dragged him into their home and continued to assault him.. The police knocked as someone had called them but they denied all knowledge of anything and as the police did not have a warrant they could not enter.  The two men proceeded to clean the young man up and sent him on his way after threatening him not to say anything.. My friend stayed upstairs throughout all of this (disgustingly) and has left her husband to live in a refuge for the time being.. She is refusing to give a statement in order to protect stepson.. The case has been referred to crown court.. What is the likely outcome for the husband?I do not know what he has been charged with. Could she be made to give a statement? Is she committing an offence by not speaking up?

Total posts: 2



2013-01-23 07:51:12
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Hi everyone

My son has recently been charged with ABH. I want to get the best lawyer I can to fight the case because my son is the victim of a campaign against him, and this is the lastest example of it. Any recommendations? I live in the Wiltshire area and money is not a problem.

Many thanks.

Total posts: 1



2013-03-31 22:06:18
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ABH Crown court  
I will shortly be attending crown court charged with ABH, I am going to refuse to pay the person I assaulted any money and am also going to refuse to do any community service scheme. This may sound wrong but I am not going to go into any details and I have my reasons.

Could anyone please tell me how much this will increase any possible sentence I receive and how much the crown will look down on my actions. Thankyou.

Total posts: 6



2013-08-13 14:49:15
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About someone who had done his time already  
Hi I currently live in a homeless hostel and the is a lad in here who we have got information on already but we need to know what he has been sent down for all together as we think the is a pregnant lady in trouble his name is ***** and I know about his past armed robbery and blackmail but we need to know if this pregnant woman is in danger so we can help her and get him out of this hostel if he is putting people in danger 

Total posts: 1



2019-05-31 06:01:08
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