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Re:DetailsDetails of past convictions

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Re:Details     (Posted on: 2010-06-02 11:07:58)

Unfortunately, this site does not provide details of any sentences before 2006.  I am sure you have tried local newspaper archives, but because you have the sentencing court and date you can also try to contact the courts ‘post hearing team’ and see if, as a journalist, they would be kind enough to search their archived records.  It may be that data protection laws prevent them from assisting you or because the date precedes the implementation of their new IT system they are unable to help. You may also want to look at Westlaw and Lexis which have products used by journalists to research people that may have the information you’re looking for.

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( User )
Details of past convictions     (Posted on: 2010-05-30 21:30:17)


Can you please confirm if this site provides any details relating to past convictions that took place before 1999?

I typed in the defendant\'s full name, the type of offence committed, crown court where his trial took place and selected two dates in which I know for certain that the hearing took place, but no results are shown. The person I\'m researching for a book served 18 months of a 3 year sentence sometime between late 1996 and the end of 1998/start of \'99, but I would like to find out the specific dates of sentencing and release from prison, and also the details of the case itself.

If this site can\'t provide that detailed info for that period, does anyone know where else I can find it?

Appreciate any help.

Many thanks.


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