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Re:Court Hearings - no information to displayCourt Hearings - no information to displayCourt Hearings

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Re:Court Hearings - no information to display     (Posted on: 2013-08-18 01:12:51)

But what if it says no information to display the person is in remand so would of turn up why else could it say that 
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Court Hearings - no information to display     (Posted on: 2010-11-29 15:01:36)

The hearing information comes from HMCS and the Court Event Descriptions are explained on this page : Court Event Descriptions
The description - no information to display -

means no information has been entered in the court event description. If a

defendant fails to attend court the prosecution and his legal team (if he has

one) will still appear at the hearing.  There

may be a valid reason for the defendants absence and therefore another date

will be set, or the prosecution will ask for a warrant to be issued for that

defendant to be arrested and produced at court. The defendant risks his or her

bail being removed or strict conditions being imposed if they fail to attend

court without valid reasons. Contact a criminal solicitor if you require legal

help at court.

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( User )
Court Hearings     (Posted on: 2010-11-26 20:28:57)

hi can someone help me

what does it mean when under a defendents name its says - No Information To Display

does it mean thay didnt turn up to court or is it just that its not been updated yet ???

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