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help pleaseRe:lookingRe:lookinglooking for... my husband

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help please     (Posted on: 2011-05-17 12:33:09)

can you please help me finding information on someone?
This person is one of our relative and is on trial in wood green crown court i want to know on what charges he is on trial for.

Wood Green Court 17/05/2011 HIS HONOUR JUDGE P ADER
T20107539 GOL Gokhan
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Re:looking     (Posted on: 2011-02-09 19:56:46)

It would all depend on whether he was sentenced under the name you know him by. If he has been using alias(es), then that will be difficult.

Do you know if the people who visited him in prison, know his real name. I would suspect they do, as visiting someone in prison is not an easy thing to do. The security you go through to get inside is very strict and they need their passport to gain entry on most prisons (although I\'m not sure about an open one). So, they would have to know his real name to ask for vistation visits. Can you ask one of them, if the name they know him by is the same as the one he gave you.

If you can give any other details in regard to him, name, date of birth, N.I. number, where he says he comes from (which of course all might be lies), even a copy of his Driving Licence (only do be careful when trying to find these things out), that would give you a start. A photo is a must as well. If you can\'t find out his real name, even doing a search on an alias might yield results and failing that, I would suggest a Private Investigator is your next option.

Please come back if I can offer you more help?


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Re:looking     (Posted on: 2011-01-02 11:27:27)

What is his name?
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looking for... my husband     (Posted on: 2010-12-16 01:42:30)

Im looking for a way to search for the man I believed to be my husband to be. Recent alarm bells have instigated me to look closer. What i find is disturbing and i know now he is a con man, conning me. How can I find his previous convictions. Im informed he has been in prison and possible been on charge up to 35 times. Im unsure how and where to start. I tried by typing his name and no result. I have paid several sites with no result. yet I have found people who visited him in prison as recently as november last year.

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