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This is for the Admin person Re:asking to login againThe Site keeps asking me to Log In

( User )
This is for the Admin person Re:asking to login again     (Posted on: 2011-02-12 14:06:50)

I have tried 3 times to PM you will a reply as you asked and each time I received an error. So, tried to PM you about the error and received another error.

So, decided this was the only way to ask.... di you receive any PM\'s from me about being asked to continually login and the other errors on clicking the Submit button?

Frazzled.... :(

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( User )
The Site keeps asking me to Log In     (Posted on: 2011-02-11 19:17:56)

I\'m currently logged into the website, (as of course i\'m writing in the Forum), however, when I go to do a search through the tabs, Hearings, Sentences etc, some I can search on and others, it just asks me to log in again, even though it states I already am.

Please can someone in the I.T. dept check the website and see why it is making this error?

Many thanks,



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