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Advice - Breach of data protection?

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Advice - Breach of data protection?     (Posted on: 2012-07-12 13:21:37)

Hi All, 

I\'m hoping someone can help me out here. 

I was in court this week for common assault in an incident I do not remember due to a well documented medical condition. The court & solitcitors were fantastic, giving me a closed court hearing due to my mental illness. I received a fine, which I asked for, and I thought that would be it. 

It was the MOD police who did the investigation, even though I am a civilian. They have now sent a letter out to EVERYONE who made a statement informing them of my plea, fine amount (which they got wrong & my name) and have told me this is fine. 

Now I\'ve been a witness, given many a statement and I\'ve never received a letter telling me what happened. Is this allowed? I live on a small army camp and since the incident I have remained in the house with the curtains closed, it exacterbated my illness (especially as I had a broken nose, thumb and numerous bruises, whereas the accuser had one mark) and now it has made me even more anxious about leaving the house. 

Surely they can not inform anyone other than the victim?

Any advice welcomed. 

K x
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