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Re:Re:Free Legal Advice For PrisonersRe:Free Legal Advice For PrisonersFree Legal Advice For Prisoners

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Re:Re:Free Legal Advice For Prisoners     (Posted on: 2012-11-09 08:46:21)

These advices are very good and this post shows that you

are good in legal knowledge.

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Re:Free Legal Advice For Prisoners     (Posted on: 2012-11-07 15:42:11)


I being charged for conspericy to defraud, just had few transection in my business account , i think i m being trap.

any suggestion , as i have pre trail on  next week.

really scare............

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Free Legal Advice For Prisoners     (Posted on: 2012-10-25 23:23:15)

Whilst I do not have any legal qualifications, I have a vast knowledge of the law especially Prison Law (Having been a prisoner on many occasions) I have been a very successful McKenzie friend to over 300 adjudications within the prison service from 2000 to 2003, I would usually win the case on a technicality or by knowing the law (statute) that they were trying to prosecute against.

Should anyone need a McKenzie friend for either a Magistrates Court hearing, A Tribunal of some sorts or if you have a family member who is in trouble with H.M.Prison, let me know and I will see if I can help in anyway!

I do not charge for my services, I cover the South London area. If you need my services and you are NOT in South London, you can visit me in Sunbury On Thames or we can meet somewhere in South London (Kingston is my preferred place)

If you are willing to pay for travel costs, I am willing to travel. Distance is no object.

I am wanting to become a well known name in the Justice For Prisoners movement, as I feel they are dealt a bad hand at adjudications. If just 1 prison officer does not like you and writes your report - you are f***ed!

Please contact me via here, I will do all I can to help. If you need a specialist solicitor for a certain type of crime, again contact me as I know solicitors that specialise is Fire Arms, Drugs, Immigration, Cash Seizures & High Value Thefts/Burglaries/Robberies.

I also have excellent solicitors should you know someone who has been caught importing drugs from another country.

Don\'t delay, my assistance is FREE and I will point you in the right direction if I cannot help you myself.
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